







    (1)Textile Research Journal

    (2)Journal of Industrial Textiles

    (3)Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology

    (4)Review of Adhesion and Adhesives

    (5)Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics

    (6)International Journal of Textile Science and Technology





















    (5)2012年 上海市大学生暑期社会实践活动优秀指导老师

    (6)2012年 东华大学大学生暑期社会实践“优秀指导老师”

    (7)2012年 东华大学大学生创新活动项目优秀指导老师

    (8)2006、2008、2011年 东华大学十佳“我心目中的好老师”

    (9)2011年 上海市大学生暑期社会实践活动优秀指导教师

    (10)2009年 第十一届上海市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛暨第十一届“挑战杯”上海市选拔赛优秀指导教师




    (2)2012年 第二届援助新疆纺织产业实践项目,荣获2012年上海市大学生暑期社会实践活动最佳项目奖

    (3)2012年 荣获2012年东华大学大学生暑期社会实践“最佳项目奖”.


    (5)2010年 温颖、付堃、李冉星、邱夷平(指导老师),第六届“上汽教育杯”上海市高校学生科技创新作品展示评优活动二等奖:乙二醇预处理对常压等离子体处理高强聚乙烯纤维效果的影响




    (9)2008年 王春霞、徐荷澜、滕伟华,上海市高校学生创造发明“科技创业杯”三等奖:水分对常压等离子体处理羊毛织物防毡缩效果的影响.





























    2011年 中国纺织工业协会纺织高等教育教学成果一等奖“大众化教育背景下分层次培养高素质纺织专业人才的改革与实践”排名第一;

    2010年 中国纺织工业协会纺织高等教育教学成果二等奖“本科生毕业论文培养模式探讨与实践”排名第一;

    2013年,东华大学 “优秀教学育人奖”






    5.教育部长江学者创新团队子项目“常压等离子体表面处理技术”,课题负责人, 20061-200712月。

    6.十二五国家科技支撑计划子项目“基于三维机织物和三维机织复合材料的装备研究” 项目参与人,20131-201412




(1)Liang, Y., Cheng, S., Zhao, J., Zhang, C., Sun, S., Zhou, N., Qiu, Y., Zhang, X., Heat treatment of electrospun Polyvinylidene fluoride fibrous membrane separators for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 240:204-211(2013)

(2)*Zhao, F., Jiang, Q., Chen, H., Xue, G. and Qiu, Y. Three dimensional woven fabrics as filter media in membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Journal of Materials Science, 48:7869–7874 (2013)

(3)Liu, W., Zhao, H., Yong, Z., Xu, G., Wang, X., Xu, F., Hui, D., Qiu, Y. Improving Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Oriented Polymer-free Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Paper by Spraying while Winding, Composites Part B. Engineering, 53:342–346 (2013)

(4)Yao, L., Rong, Q., Shan, Z., Qiu, Y. Static and bending fatigue properties of ultra-thick 3d orthogonal woven composites. Journal of Composite Materials, 47(5): 569–577 (2013)

(5)Zhou, N., Yao, L., Liang, Y., Yu, B., Ye, M., Shan, Z., Qiu, Y., Improvement of mechanical properties of ramie/poly (lactic acid) (PLA) laminated composites using a cyclic load pre-treatment method, Industrial Crops and Products, 45:94-99 (2013)

(6)Jiang, Q., Li, Y., Xie, J., Sun, Ji., Yao, L., Hui, D., Qiu, Y. Plasma functionalization of bucky paper and its composite with phenylethynyl-terminated polyimide, Composites Part B, 45(1): 1275-1281 (2013)

(7)Rhee, K.Y., Park, S.J., Hui, D., Qiu, Y. Effect of oxygen plasma-treated carbon fibers on the tribological behavior of oil-absorbed carbon/epoxy woven composites, Composites Part B. Engineering. 43: 2395–2399 (2012)

(8)Zhou, N., Yu, B., Sun, J., Yao, L. Qiu, Y., Influence of chemical treatments on the interfacial properties of ramie fiber reinforced poly (lactic acid) (PLA) composites, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 6: 564-568 (2012)

(9)Zhang, R., Pan, X., Jiang, M., Peng, S., Qiu, Y., Influence of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on surface properties of PBO fiber, Applied Surface Science. 261: 147– 154 (2012)

(10)Yao, L., Wang, X., Xu, F., Jiang, M., Zhou, D., and Qiu, Y. Effect of wire space and weaving pattern on performance of microstrip antennas integrated in the three dimensional orthogonal woven composites applied composites materials. Applied Composite Materials. 19 (1): 21-30 (2012).

(11)Wang, X., Yao, L., Zhou, D., Qiu, Y. Design and characterization of conformal microstrip antennas integrated into 3d orthogonal woven fabrics. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. 7(2): 76-80 (2012)

(12)Ji, F., Hong, Y., Yao, L., Peng, S., Qiu, Y. Effect of glycerol coating on the atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of UHMPE fibers. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 26(1-3): 289-301 (2012)

(13)Li, Y., Yao, L., Ji, F., Peng, S., Gao, Z., Sun, S., Qiu, Y. Influence of moisture on effectiveness of plasma treatments of polymer surfaces. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26:1123-1139 (2012)

(14)Li, X., and Qiu, Y. The effect of plasma pre-treatment on NaHCO3 desizing of blended sizes on cotton fabrics. Applied Surface Science. 258(11): 4939–4944 (2012)

(15)Zhou, Z., Wang, J., Huang, X., Zhang, L., Moyo, S., Sun, S., Qiu, Y. Influence of absorbed moisture on surface hydrophobization of ethanol pretreated and plasma treated ramie fibers. Applied Surface Science. 258:4411–4416  (2012)

(16)Liu, W., Zhao, H., Inoue, Y., Wang, X., Bradford, P.D., Kim, H., Qiu, Y., Zhu, Y. Poly(vinyl alcohol) reinforced with large-diameter carbon nanotubes via spray winding, Composite Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43:587-592 (2012)

(17)Li, X., Lin, J. and Qiu, Y. Influence of He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment on subsequent wet desizing of polyacrylate on PET fabrics, Applied Surface Science, 258:2332-2338 (2012)  

(18)Wang, C. Qiu, Y. Study on wettability improvement and its uniformity of wool fabric treated by atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 123(2): 1000-1006 (2012)

(19)Xu, F., Yao, L. Wang, X. Qiu, Y. Effect of conductive yarn crimp in radiation patch of 3d integrated microstrip antenna on its performance. Composites Part B. Engineering. 43:465-470 (2012)

(20)Sun, S. and Qiu, Y. Influence of moisture on wettability and sizing properties of raw cotton yarns treated with He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Surface & Coatings Technology, 206:2281-2286 (2011)

(21)Tian, L., Nie, H., Chattertonc, N.P., Branford-Whitec, C.J., Qiu, Y., Zhu, L. Helium/oxygen atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment for hydrophilicity improvement of grey cotton knitted fabric, Applied Surface Science, 257(16): 7113–7118 (2011)

(22)Zhao, Y., Zhang, C., Shao, X. Wang, Y. Qiu, Y. The influence of atmospheric plasma treatment on carbon fiber/matrix interfacial adhesion. Journal of Adhesion Science Technology. 25:2897-2908 (2011)

(23)Liang, Y., Lin, Z., Qiu Y. Zhang, X. Fabrication and characterization of LATP / PAN composite fiber-based membrane lithium-ion battery separators. Electrochimica Acta. 56:6474-6480 (2011)

(24)Gao, Z. Sun, S., Peng, S., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. The surface modification of nylon 6 films treated with he/o2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 120: 2201–2206 (2011)

(25)Xie, J., Xin, D., Cao, H., Wang, C., Zhao, Y., Yao, L., Ji, F., Qiu, Y. Improving carbon fiber adhesion to polyimide with atmospheric pressure plasma treatment, Surface & Coatings Technology. 206: 191-201 (2011)

(26)Sun, Ji. Yao, L., Sun, S., Qiu, Y. ESR study of atmospheric pressure plasma jet irradiated Kevlar 49 fibers, Surface & Coatings Technology. 205: 5312–5317 (2011)

(27)Liu, W.,  Zhang, X., Xu, G., Bradford, P. D., Wang, X., Zhao, H. Zhang, Y., Jia, Q., Yuan, F. G., Li, Q., Qiu, Y., Zhu, Y. Producing superior composites by winding carbon nanotubes onto a mandrel under a poly(vinyl alcohol) spray. Carbon. 49: 4786-4790 (2011)

(28)Xu, F., Yao, L., Zhao, D., Jiang, M., Qiu, Y. The effects of the resin layer in the patch structure to the antenna performance of a three dimensional integrated microstrip antenna, Journal of Composite Materials, 45(15): 1627 - 1635 (2011)

(29)Liang, Y., Ji, L., Guo, B., Lin, Z., Yao, Y., Li, Y., Alcoutlabi, M., Qiu, Y., Zhang, X. Preparation and electrochemical characterization of ionic-conducting lithium lanthanum titanate oxide/polyacrylonitrile submicron composite fiber-based lithium-ion battery separators, Journal of Power Sources. 196: 436-441. (2011)

(30)Zhou, Z., Liu, X., Hu, B., Wang, J., Xin. D., Sun, J., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. Hydrophobic atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of ramie fibers with ethanol pretreatment. Surface & Coatings Technology. 205: 4205–4210 (2011)

(31)Yao, L., Jiang, M., Zhou, D., Xu, F., Zhao, D., Zhang, W., Zhou, N., Jiang, Q., Qiu, Y. Fabrication and characterization of microstrip array antennas integrated in the three dimensional orthogonal woven composite, Composites Part B. 42:885-890 (2011)

(32)Sun, J. Yao, L. Sun, S. Gao, Z. Qiu. Y. Effect of storage condition and aging on acrylic acid inverse emulsion surface-grafting polymerization of PET films initiated by atmospheric pressure plasmas. Surface & Coatings Technology. 205: 2799–2805 (2011)

(33)Sun, S., Sun, J., Yao, L. Qiu, Y. Wettability and sizing property improvement of raw cotton yarns treated with He/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Applied Surface Science, 257: 2377–2382 (2011)

(34)Du, C., Zhong, S., Yao, L., Qiu, Y., Four element textile array antenna on three dimensional orthogonal woven composites. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 52(11): 2487-2488. (2010)

(35)Zhang, Y., Wu, H., Qiu, Y., Morphology and properties of hybrid composites based on polypropylene/polylactic acid blend and bamboo fiber. Bioresource Technology, 101(20): 7944-7950. (2010)

(36)Wang C. X.; Du M.; Qiu Y. P. Influence of pore size on penetration of surface modification into woven fabric treated with atmospheric pressure plasma jet, Surface & Coatings Technology, 205(3):909-914 (2010)

(37)Xu, F., Yao, L., Zhao, D. Zhao, L., Jiang, M. Qiu, Y. Performance and Impact Damage of a Three Dimensionally Integrated Microstrip Feeding Antenna Structure, Composite Structures. 93: 193–197 (2010)

(38)Sun, S., Gao, Z. Peng, S., Yao, L., Wang, C., Qiu, Y. Surface modification of PET films by atmospheric pressure plasma induced acrylic acid inverse emulsion graft polymerization, Surface & Coatings Technology. 204: 4101–4106 (2010)

(39)Peng, S., Liu, X., Sun, S., Gao, Z., Yao, L., Qiu, Y.  Influence of absorbed moisture on desizing of poly(vinyl alcohol) on cotton fabrics during atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment, Applied Surface Science. 256: 4103–4108 (2010)

(40)Wen, Y. Li, R., Cai, F. Fu, K. Peng, S. Jiang, Q. Yao, L. Wang, C. Qiu, Y. Influence of ethylene glycol pretreatment on effectiveness of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of polyethylene fibers, Applied Surface Science. 256: 3253–3258 (2010)

(41)Peng, S. Gao, Z. Sun, S., Yao, L., Wang, C., Qiu, Y. Influence of absorbed moisture on solubility of poly(vinyl alcohol) film during atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment, Surface & Coatings Technology. 204:1222–1228 (2010)

(42)Gao, Z., Peng, S., Sun, J., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. The influence of moisture on atmospheric pressure plasma etching of PA6 films. Current Applied Physics. 10:230-234 (2010)

(43)Zhang, Y., Zhu, H., Huang, J., Zou, J., Wu, H., Qiu, Y.,  Effects of oxygen plasma treatment on tensile deformation of nano-SiO(2) sol-gel coating ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene filaments. Acta Physica Sinica, 58(6): S292-S297. (2009)

(44)Zhang, Y., Zhu, H., Wu, H., Qiu, Y., Effects of helium plasma treatment on tensile behaviour of nano-SiO(2) sol-gel coating T300 carbon fiber. Acta Physica Sinica, 58(6): S298-S305. (2009)

(45)Gao, Z., Peng, S., Sun, J., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. Surface modification of polyamide 6 film by He/CF4 plasma using atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Applied Surface Science. 256: 1496–1501  (2009)

(46)Yao, L. Wang, X. Xu, F. Zhao, D., Jiang, M. Qiu, Y. Fabrication and impact performance of three dimensionally integrated microstrip antennas with microstrip feeding and co-axial feeding, Smart Materials and Structures.18:095034 (2009).

(47)Peng, S. Gao, Z. Sun, J. Yao, L. Qiu, Y. Influence of argon/oxygen atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharge treatment on desizing and scouring of poly(vinyl alcohol) on cotton fabrics, Applied Surface Science. 255: 9458–9462 (2009).

(48)Xu, H., Peng, S., Wang, C., Yao, L., Sun, J., Ji, F. Qiu, Y. Influence of Absorbed Moisture on Anti-Felting Property of Wool Treated with Atmospheric Pressure Plasma. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 113(6): 3687-3692 (2009).

(49)Gao, Z., Peng, S., Sun, J., Yao, L., Qiu, Y. Influence of processing parameters on atmospheric pressure plasma etching of polyamide 6 film. Applied Surface Science. 255: 7683–7688 (2009)

(50)Yao, L. and Qiu, Y., Microstrip antennas integrated in three dimensional orthogonal woven composites. Composites Science and Technology. 69: 1004–1008 (2009)

(51)*Jiang, Q. Li, R. Sun, J. Wang, C. Peng, S., Ji, F. Yao, L. Qiu, Y. Influence of Ethanol Pretreatment on Effectiveness of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Polyethylene Fibers. Surface & Coatings Technology. 203: 1604–1608  (2009)


(1)姚 澜;邱夷平,专利名称:构成基于三维正交机织物的共形承载微带天线结构的方法

(2)*张 坤;高天琪;陈 余;周 沁;赵 达;蒋牧文;姚 澜;纪 峰;张迎晨;邱夷平,专利名称:一种发动机压气机包容环的织造方法


(4)邱夷平;蒋牧文;姚澜;周冬春;赵达;张坤;张文文;吴昊;姜茜;周楠婷,专利名称: 基于三维正交机织物的共形承载微带阵列天线的织造方法





(9)张迎晨;秦 翊;吴红艳;邱夷平,专利名称:纳米氧化锌/聚丙烯/聚乳酸复合纤维材料及其制备方法


(11)张迎晨;邹 静;吴红艳;邱夷平,专利名称:碳纳米管/聚丙烯/聚乳酸复合纤维材料及其制备方法


(13)张迎晨;邹 静;吴红艳;邱夷平,专利名称:等离子体处理涂覆纳米二氧化硅的碳纤维表面改性的方法   




(17)章倩 邱夷平 房晓萌 陆春红 姚一舟 李凌晨 章悦庭,专利名称:一种三维正交机织麻织物增强聚丙烯复合材料




(21)张迎晨;秦 翊;吴红艳;邱夷平,专利名称:等离子体处理纳米溶胶凯夫拉纤维改性的方法



  1. 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)纺织工程分会主席(2004年)

  2. 北卡州立大学纺织工程、化学与科学系科学顾问委员会委员

  3. 北卡罗来纳州立大学机械与航空工程系客座教授(2003 – 2006年)

  4. 美国尖端材料学会(SAMPE)会员、美国纤维学会会员、美国机械工程师学会会员


   email:    ypqiu@dhu.edu.cn
