李树立,男,1988年10月生,博士,教授。福建省运筹学会理事,美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员。主要从事组合图论及其在统计物理及量子化学方面的研究工作。已发表学术论文12篇, 其中SCI 源刊论文11篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项,省教育厅项目1项,校科技计划项目1项。作为主要参与人完成国家自然科学基金项目2 项。目前在研1项 “省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目”。受邀为多个SCI期刊审稿,如“Discrete Mathematics”,“Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical”。2018年入选“福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划”,泉州市高层次第四层次人才。
2020.09—2021.06 厦门大学 访问学者
2013.09—2016.06 厦门大学 应用数学专业 博士
2010.09—2013.06 集美大学 应用数学专业 硕士
2006.09—2010.06 周口师范学院 数学与应用数学专业 学士
2023.11—至今 k8凯发(中国)天生赢家·一触即发 教授
2018.04—2023.11 k8凯发(中国)天生赢家·一触即发 副教授
2016.08—2018.03 k8凯发(中国)天生赢家·一触即发 讲师
[1] Weigen Yan, Shuli Li, Relation between the Gutman Index of a tree and matchings, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 86 (2021), 195-205. (SCI检索)
[2] Weigen Yan, Shuli Li, On the vertex-face graphs of triangulations, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 36 (2020), 616-628. (SCI 检索)
[3] Shuli Li, Jun Ge, Sharp upper bounds for the F-index of bipartite graph with a given diameter, Ars Combinatorica. 146 (2019), 143-155. (SCI 检索)
[4] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan, Spanning trees and dimer problem on the Cairo pentagonal lattice, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 337 (2018), 34-40. (SCI 检索)
[5] 李树立. 树的Zagreb指标的上界, 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 57 (2018), 536-538. (CSCD 检索)
[6] Helin Gong, Shuli Li, The number of spanning trees of a family of 2-separable weighted graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics. 229 (2017), 154-160. (SCI 检索)
[7] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan, Dimers on the 3^3.4^2lattice, Physica A, 452 (2016), 251-257. (SCI 检索)
[8] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan, Tao Tian, The spectrum and Laplacian Spectrum of the dice lattice, Journal of Statistical Physics, 164 (2016), 449-462. (SCI 检索)
[9] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan, Tao Tian, Some physical and chemical indices of the Union Jack lattice, Journal of Statistical Mechanic: Theory and Experiment, 2 (2015), 14-27. (SCI 检索)
[10] Tao Tian, Weigen Yan, Shuli Li, On the minimal energy of trees with a given number of vertices of odd degree, 73 (2015), 3-10. (SCI 检索)
[11] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan,The matching energy of graphs with given parameters,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 162 (2014), 415-420. (SCI 检索)
[12] Shuli Li, Weigen Yan, Kekulé structures of polyomino chains and the Hosoya index of caterpillar trees, Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012), 2397-2400. (SCI 检索)
[13] Tao Tian, Weigen Yan, Shuli Li, On the maximal energy of trees with at most two vertices of even degree. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 已接收. (SCI 检索)
[1]若干格子图的研究, 国家自然科学基金(11701324), 20万, 2018.01--2020.12, 主持.
[2]图的生成树及电阻距离的研究, 省杰青培育计划项目, 8万, 2018.12--2021.12, 主持.
[3]格子图Dimer 问题的研究, 省教育厅项目(JAT170473), 2万, 2017.07--2020.07, 主持.
[4]统计模型中若干格子图的研究, 校青年博士预研基金(2016QBJK02), 10万, 2016.12--2018.12, 主持.
[5]统计模型中的若干组合问题, 国家自然科学基金(11171134), 45万, 2012.01--2015.12, 参与.
[6]双射分拆函数的算术性质, 国家自然科学基金(11226299), 3万, 2013.01--2013.12, 参与.