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时间:2021-05-28 作者:点击:1908

论文类型论文题目第一作者类型第一作者通讯作者发表/出版  时间发表刊物/论文集论文收录学校署名
期刊论文Refractive index and temperature sensor based on fiber ring laser with tapered seven core fiber structure in 2 μm band本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2020-12-05Optical Fiber TechnologySCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Fiber Laser Temperature Sensor Based on SMF-TMCF-SMF Structure in 2 um Band本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2020-11-05proceedings of SPIEEI收录第一单位
期刊论文Flexible gypsum mould applied in the mechanical system for blank of grouted ceramic handcrafts based on the radial movement of the sphere and connection by the principle of six-point positioning本校老师宋金玲宋金玲2020-11-02The Joumal of Engineering国外科学技术核心期刊同第一单位
期刊论文The effects of various molecular weight of passivator on the photoluminescence properties of graphene quantum dots本校老师向斌向斌2020-10-16Materials Chemistry and PhysicsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Photomultiplication type nearinfrared organic photodetectors本校老师吴丽双杨惠山2020-09-30Microw Opt Technol Lett.SCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Experimental research on milling temperature of new cold saw blade milling cutter本校老师宋金玲2020-08-20Journal of PhysicsCSCD其他单位
期刊论文The kinnematic and dynamic characterastics and system optimization design of optical cable based on backtracking method本校老师宋金玲2020-08-20Joural of PhysicsCSCD其他单位
期刊论文State algirithm and double optimization design of safety cable retractor for gecko climbinbg robot本校老师宋金玲宋金玲2020-08-20journal of PhysicsCSCD同第一单位
期刊论文Mechanics model and optimum design of PE pellet shell for anti-water-seepage with ease in open本校老师宋金玲宋金玲2020-08-20Journal of  physicsCSCD同第一单位
期刊论文Correlation among photoluminescence and the electronic and atomic structures of Sr2SiO4:xEu3+ phosphors: X-ray absorption and emission studies本校老师郑世燕Chien-Te Chen2020-07-29scientific reportsSCI2区同第一单位
论文集THz Pseudo-Bessel Beam Generation Base on Axicon-frustum Antenna Array本校老师黄晗余燕忠2020-06-22论文集EI(会议论文)第一单位
期刊论文A deep blue fluorescent emitter functioning as host material in highly本校老师杨惠山吴志军2020-06-19Organic ElectronicsSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文A Near-Infrared Multi-Band Perfect Absorber Based on 1D Gold Grating Fabry-Perot Structure本校老师吴平辉姜培培2020-04-30IEEE AccessSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Watt-level diode-pumped continuous-wave Pr:LiYF4 laser at 670nm and simultaneous dual-wavelength operation at 639 and 670nm本校老师渠彪渠彪2020-04-01Applied OpticsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文A Perfect Absorber Based on Similar Fabry-Perot Four-Band in the Visible Range本校老师吴平辉吕利2020-03-08NanomaterialsSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Blind Channel Identification for Cyclic-Prefixed MIMO-OFDM Systems with Virtual Carriers外校人员Jun-Lang Yu袁怡圃2020-03-01China communicationsCSCD,SCI3区同第一单位
期刊论文A Narrow Dual-Band Monolayer Unpatterned Graphene-Based Perfect Absorber with Critical Coupling in the Near Infrared本校老师吴平辉简荣华2020-01-01MicromachinesSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文An Infrared Perfect Absorber Based on Metal-Dielectric-Metal Multi-layer Films with Nanocircle Holes Arrays本校老师吴平辉吕利2020-01-01Results in PhysicsSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文An optical apparatus for machine vision inspecting both top and bottom surfaces of the TEC components本校老师廖廷俤廖廷俤2019-12-31proceedings of SPIEEI收录第一单位
期刊论文Multi-mechanism coalecsence design and matrax expression of logic action sequence of the over-turn nursing robot Part II:Gesture-state in Set and Matrix本校老师宋金玲宋金玲2019-12-27IOP: Materials Science and EngineeringCSCD同第一单位
期刊论文Multi-mechanism coalecsence design and matrax expression of logic action sequence of the over-turn nursing robot Part I: Functions and Coalescence Design本校老师宋金玲宋金玲2019-12-27IOP:Material Scence and EngineeringCSCD同第一单位
论文集Design of Taxi Management System Based on Nios II本校老师曾永西2019-12-20IAEAC 2019EI(会议论文)第一单位
论文集Ultra-narrow photonic nanojets formed by a micro/nanofiber array本校学生陈金英吴平辉2019-12-18Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 11336, 2019, AOPC 2019EI(会议论文)第一单位
期刊论文Fiber sensor for relative humidity measurement in  the water absorption band at 2 um本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-12-11measurement science and technologySCI4区第一单位
论文集Creation of multi-segmented optical tunnel本校学生林雪华余燕忠2019-12-10PIERS国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文2166 nm all-fiber short-pulsed Raman laser based on germania-core fiber本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-11-25Optics Express国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文Highly sensitive optical fiber curvature sensor based on a seven-core fiber with a twisted structure本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-11-10Applied OpticsSCI3区同第一单位
期刊论文Real-time detection of LMP1/LMP1 interaction in M β CD-induced apoptosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells using FRET method本校老师吴志伟2019-11-02Journal of Innovative Optical Health SciencesSCI4区第一单位
论文集Construction of optical needles and spot arrays using radiation pattern of collinear antenna array本校学生曾雨婷余燕忠2019-10-272019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP2019)国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文Optical trapping and rotating of micro particles using the circular Airy Vortex beams本校老师陈木生2019-10-15Applied Physics B-Lasers and OpticsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Panchromatic organic photodetectors with SubPc as a non-fullerene acceptor本校老师苏大生苏子生2019-09-06Materials Research ExpressSCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Subspace Channel Identification for Multiuser MIMO  STBC OFDM Systems本校老师袁怡圃2019-09-01Circuits, Systems, and Signal ProcessingSCI3区同第一单位
论文集Hybrid Precoder Design for mmWave Massive  MIMO with Low-Resolution Phase Shifters本校老师袁怡圃2019-08-30Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, v 2019-AugustEI(会议论文)第一单位
期刊论文Optimization-free two-dimensional focal spot array generated by the use of radiation pattern from a planar antenna array本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2019-07-15Journal of NanophotonicsSCI4区第一单位
论文集Generation of a hollow-tube array with prescirbed characteristics本校学生贾蕾余燕忠2019-07-07the 8th Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC 2019)国际学术会议第一单位
论文集Design of High Coupling Microstrip Branch Directional Coupler本校学生闫亚洲余燕忠2019-06-19The 2019 7th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (NCEECE 2019)国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文Generation of optical needles and bright spot arrays through reversing the radiation pattern of collinear antenna array本校老师余燕忠2019-06-10Journal of OpticsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Generation of Non-diffraction Vortex Beam and Its Application in Digital Communication本校老师黄晗余燕忠2019-06-07Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic ApplicationsEI收录第一单位
期刊论文Noninvasive Measurement of Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate for Perioperative Infants本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-06-01J. Lightwave Technol.SCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Unobtrusive and Continuous BCG-Based Human Identification Using a Microbend Fiber Sensor本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-05-27IEEE AccessSCI2区第一单位
论文集Design of a Dual Frequency Circular Polarized Microstrip Antenna本校学生刘金丽余燕忠2019-04-212019 International Conference on Wireless Communication, Network and Multimedia Engineering (WCNME2019)国际学术会议第一单位
论文集Design of dual-band circularly polarized microstrip antenna based on Beidou application本校学生周牧仪余燕忠2019-03-242019 International Academic Conference on Computer Science, Communications and Big Data (CSCBD2019)国际学术会议第一单位
论文集Design of Beidou Circularly Polarized Terminal Antenna本校学生李思晶余燕忠2019-03-162019 4th International Workshop on Materials Engineering and Computer Science (IWMECS2019)国际学术会议,CPCI-S收录第一单位
期刊论文Agarose coated macro-bend fiber sensor for relative humidity and temperature measurement at 2 μm本校老师陈智浩陈智浩2019-03-06Optical Fiber TechnologySCI4区同第一单位
期刊论文Organic light-emitting devices based on 4,4’-bis(2,2’- diphenyl vinyl)-1,1’-biphenyl as a spacer between dual ultrathin layers本校老师吴丽双杨惠山2019-03-01OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERSEI收录第一单位
期刊论文Fast synthesis of low density monolithic porous microstructure tin foam本校老师向斌崔旭东2019-02-18Journal of porous materialsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Monolayer MoS2 thermoelectric properties engineering via strain effect本校老师向斌向斌2019-02-04Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and NanostructuresSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Hybrid warm-white organic light-emitting device based on tandem structure本校老师吴丽双吴志军2019-01-31OPTICS EXPRESSSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文An efficient 1052nm Nd:LaMgB5O10 laser: a promising master oscillator for Nd:glass amplifiers本校老师陈慧彬陈慧彬2019-01-29Laser PhysicsSCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Engineering arrays of diffraction limited optical hollow-tube and doughnut-spot with prescribed distributions本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2019-01-18EPL (Europhysics Letters)SCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Organic Upconversion Display with an over 100% Photon-to-photon Upconversion Efficiency and a Simple Pixelless Device Structure外校人员宋乔刚苏子生2018-11-06The Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersSCI 1区第一单位
期刊论文Improvement  on the performance of electrophosphorescent organic light-emitting device employing n-doped bis-4,6-(3,5-di-3-pyridylphenyl)-2-methylpyrimi-dineasel ectron-transporting layer本校老师杨惠山杨惠山2018-11-01Organic ElectronicsSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Low color temperature,high color rendering index candlelight style white organic light-emitting devices with a fac-tris(mesityl-2-phenyl-1H-imidazole)iridium(III) blue emitting layer本校老师杨惠山杨惠山2018-10-31Mater.Res.ExpressSCI4区第一单位
论文集Dual biconical fiber humidity sensor at 2um本校老师陈智浩2018-10-23Proc. SPIE 10821, Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications VIII, 1082109 (23 October 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2500042EI(会议论文)第一单位
期刊论文Nitrogen-doped thermally reduced graphene oxide quantum dots–MnO composite toward enhanced-performance Li-ion battery外校人员朱星群向斌2018-10-01Applied Physics ASCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Multiwave rheology and dynamic light scattering characterizations for a two-step sol-gel transition of tetraethoxysilane hydrolysis and condensation本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-09-03Journal of Sol-Gel Science and TechnologySCI3区第一单位
论文集RF Precoder Design with Preselection Codebook for Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems本校老师袁怡圃Jung-Lang Yu2018-08-182018 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET)国际学术会议,CPCI-S收录第一单位
期刊论文The computational probing of carrier transport in MAPbI3-xClx本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-08-15Computational and Theoretical ChemistrySCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Design and preliminary experiments of truncated ball lens as secondary optical element for CPV system本校老师黄启禄廖廷俤2018-07-15Solar EnergySCI2区其他单位
期刊论文NiO nanoparticle surface energy studies using first principles calculations本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-06-14New Journal of ChemistrySCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Structural Evolution Design and Optimization for the Metamaterials with Broadband Frequency-Independent Negative Permeability本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-06-08PlasmonicsSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Efficiency improvement of upeconversion luminescence of Yb3+ Tm3+ co-doped tellurite glass microsphere本校老师黄衍堂黄衍堂2018-06-05Journal of Alloys and CompoundsSCI2区第一单位
论文集Miniaturization Design of Beidou Navigation Terminal Antenna本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-05-272018 International Conference on Computer, Electronic Information and Communications国际学术会议第一单位
论文集Radiation Power of Half Wave Oscillator Antenna in Magnetic Anisotropic Medium本校老师仲伟博仲伟博2018-05-232018 International Conference on Electronics TechnologyEI(会议论文)第一单位
论文集Design of Compact Microstrip Antenna for GPS Applications本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-05-182018 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Computer Science国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文Polarization Split Lensing via Polarization and Phase Control with Metasurfaces at Visible Frequencies本校老师廖廷俤崔旭东2018-05-05plasmonicsSCI3区第一单位
论文集Design of GPS Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-04-222018 International Conference on Communication, Network and Artificial Intelligence国际学术会议,CPCI-S收录第一单位
期刊论文Fast synthesis of transparent and hydrophobic silica aerogels using polyethoxydisiloxane and methyltrimethoxysilane in one-step drying process本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-04-05Materials Research ExpressSCI4区第一单位
期刊论文Sn 2+ —Stabilization in MASnI 3 perovskites by superhalide incorporation本校老师向斌崔旭东2018-03-27The Journal of Chemical PhysicsSCI2区第一单位
论文集Design of Microstrip Antenna Used in Beidou Terminal本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-03-252nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automation国际学术会议第一单位
论文集Design of Circularly Polarized Multi-frequency Microstrip Antenna本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-03-252nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications国际学术会议第一单位
期刊论文Optical force and torque on a dielectric Rayleigh particles by a circular Airy vortex beam本校老师陈木生刘宪鹏2018-03-15Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative TransferSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Highly efficient tandem organic light-emitting devices employing aneasily fabricated charge generation unit本校老师杨惠山谢文法2018-02-01Applied Physics ExpressSCI2区第一单位
期刊论文WSe2/rGO hybrid structure: A stable and efficient catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction本校老师向斌向斌2018-02-01International Journal of Hydrogen EnergySCI2区第一单位
期刊论文Engineering of multi-segmented light tunnel and flattop focus with designed axial lengths and gaps本校老师余燕忠余燕忠2018-01-15Opt. CommunSCI3区第一单位
期刊论文Highly-efficient tandem organic light-emitting device employing bis-4,6-(3,5-di-3-pyridylphenyl)-2-methylpyrimi-dine doped with cesium azide in charge generation unit本校老师杨惠山杨惠山2018-01-01Organic ElectronicsSCI2区第一单位


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